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My Gratitudes and experience

In 1996 my yoga teacher- Marcos Rojo- indicated me to teach yoga classes in a neighbourhood studio, saying that I was a good student and that would make me a good teacher. I could never imagine how far this would take me and I thank him so much.

In 2001, after finishing my psychology degree, which included training as a clinical counsellor, I opened my own yoga studio and counselling clinic, ​focusing on individuals with pain disorders, anxiety and stress. I am so grateful to all my clients and colleagues who taught me so much.


At the same time, I was working at the biggest gym chain in Sao Paulo, teaching body mind techniques, offering counselling to injured athletes, developing health programs for stress and pain regulation, organizing yoga retreats and training staff members, thanks to the support of Saturno de Souza and my wonderful peers. 

I pursued a 2 years long graduate professional training in Yoga from a Physical Education school, linked to the Kayvalyadhama Institute in India, and I thank Danilo Santaella, Marcos Rojo and Alicia Souto for being great models for me.


During a 3 years long professional training in Eutony, a somatic practice for tension regulation, I learned that the state of presence can happen both in quietness, but also in movement; it can also happen when you are alone, or in contact with others. I thank all the teachers in my training for their wisdom.


Before coming to Canada I was invited to teach yoga at the reference pain clinic in Brazil at USP and volunteered there for a year. In that institution, I completed a university certificate in multidisciplinary pain management from their Medical School, and I am grateful to Dr. Lin Chia Yeng and her team for having introduced me to the concept of pain as a biopsychosocial phenomena.

In 2012 I moved to Canada and soon I started taking a Master’s degree in kinesiology at UBC, majoring in coaching sciences, applied to yoga as a somatic practice for people in chronic pain. I am grateful to Neil Pearson, Diane Gromala and Dr. Brenda Lau for having introduced me to the Neuromatrix Model. 

Since 2015 I have been living in Victoria- BC, working as a movement therapist/kinesiologist and more recently as a RCC at CBI Health Services. In my role I look at client’s movement restoration programs, within the multidisciplinary pain management program. Our clientele often experiences different mental health challenges, from trauma, anxiety and depression, to addictions and personality disorders. I use a wide array of my counselling skills, helping injured workers to recognize and cope with their -often paralyzing - fear of moving, grief and sense of disability, and other possible barriers to rehabilitation, such as catastrophic thinking and work relations issues. In addition, I conduct somatic practice sessions every day, where clients are invited to (re)connect body and mind. I also offer weekly lectures in pain neurophysiology, neuroscience and psychological adjustment to injury. I thank all my clients and the amazing team that works with me, for their trust and support.


I also have a private practice where I see clients individually and help them reacquaint their bodies, in dealing with physical and emotional suffering. 

I am so grateful for my family for supporting me through all those endeavours and I love to spend time with them, taking the kids for hikes or bike rides. I also love going dancing, which has been a meditative practice to me.

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